Sunday, October 14, 2012

Aimlessly finding my way to the bookstore

It doesn't take much to get my mind wandering.  Sometimes just a word will do it, depending on my mood or what I am doing at the time the word comes up.  Usually, if it's quiet, my mind starts to wander.  It always has.

I'm not sure why I'm writing.  I just feel like I should.  I haven't written anything here in a little bit, and I'm sure you're all biting at the bit to see what kind of shtuff I'm going to talk about.  I went into town earlier this evening and got caught at a stoplight.  One light that ALWAYS catches me and therefore makes my blood boil and my vision go instantly red.  I thought I would write about my hatred of stop lights, especially the red ones, but I'll save that trinket for another day.

Here's something interesting.  Did you know that there is not a single bookstore, that is not a Christian one, within a 25 minute drive of my house?  Seriously.  If I want to buy a book, or just peruse the shelves for new material, or even old material, I have to drive 30 to 40 minutes to the nearest Barnes & Noble.  There are three Super Duper Amazing Magnificent Walmarts within 15 minutes of my house, but a bookstore?  Negative.

Some say get over it, get a Kindle or read books on your ipad.  To that I say, no, I will not get over it.  You see, I prefer to be able to turn the pages of my book when reading it.  I prefer to be able to see what kind of progress I'm making as I see the bookmark move ever so slowly through the pages from the front to the back.  I like to be able to flip to the index, find a particular subject, and go right to it in a flash if I'm trying to find information.

Others say just use Amazon, and sometimes I do.  But only when I want a book that I cannot find at the bookstore.  I used to use Amazon pretty often when I was in school, simply because it was much cheaper buying my books in bulk that way and when you're reading anywhere between 15-20 books a semester, saving that money is pretty crucial.

And, not that it's a huge deal (this is about the small shtuff), but there isn't a coffee shop within reasonable driving distance either.  Sure, I have my coffee at home, but sometimes you want something more than the dripped goodness of the at home coffee maker.  So, often times, when I want to go to the bookstore, I often make a trip to the coffee shop and enjoy something delicious.

Maybe it's a good thing that the bookstore is 40 minutes from here as I look at the piles of books on and under my nightstand and the books overflowing the little bookcase that I have in my bedroom, along with the books stacked on the floor next to my bookcase.  Or better yet, maybe it's time to buy a new bookcase?  They do say that the third time is a charm and the two that I have could use another book storing friend.

Anyway, I guess it's about time to close the computer up and do a little reading before my eyelids get too heavy.  If you guys have any quips, gripes or other shtuff to talk about, leave a comment and we'll all see what kind of shtuff makes the world go round.

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