Monday, October 15, 2012

On Stop Lights (I thought I could hold out, but I was wrong)

Okay...stop lights.  I hate them.  I hate them with every fiber of my being.  Nothing, and I mean nothing, makes me more angry than having to stop when I am trying to get somewhere.  Well, being late makes me pretty angry, and sometimes stop lights have a way of bringing me closer and closer to that threshold that separates being early and being late.

What really makes my blood boil, my face turn red and colorful vocabulary escape my lips is when I catch a red light and see nothing coming the other way.  Literally nothing.  Well nothing more than a car making a right turn, but they can do that on a red though, right?

I hate it when there are two left-turn lanes and I'm in the line in the one to the right.  And when we make the turn after the light turns green, three cars in front of me immediately switch over to the left hand lane after the turn is made.  Do these chuckleheads not comprehend the purpose of having dual left turn lanes??  It boggles my mind, and I shit you not, I see it daily.  Simple concept.  If you need to be in the left lane, then use the turn lane farthest to the left.  If you need to be in the right lane, use the lane farthest to the right.  It is not difficult, people.  I promise you, it isn't!  But then again, around here people do not understand the concept of the fast lane either, but I digress.

I hate it when stop lights are on timers that don't need to be on timers.  What's wrong with the sensors?  Why do I have to continue to sit at a light picking my nose so that the light can stay green for the other guy that is coming the other way, but is half a mile away from the intersection?  I'm sitting there having a coronary while dipshit is poking up the road, knowing that he's going to have plenty of time to make his light.

Part of me has come to accept that if there is a disadvantageous red light to be caught, I am going to catch it.  It is true, and my girlfriend has noted this skill I have developed with humor in her voice.  So sometimes I resign myself to it, knowing that it is inevitable. Other times you would swear that Attila the Hun was sitting next to you in a silver Toyota Corolla.

Most of the time I am a patient and reasonable individual.  I can be understanding, kind and thoughtful in conversation, ready to lend any advice that may help in a given situation.  That all goes away when I'm in the driver's seat.  I become full of scorn and contempt for any fellow human being that is oblivious to what is happening around them, and that just happens to be the majority of people on the road today.  Well...really just skip that part.  If I am behind the wheel and you are on the road in another car other than mine, you are my enemy.

Oh and one more thing from Patrick's Driving School...under no circumstances is it okay to hit your brakes before giving your turn signal.  Ever.

Here endeth the lesson.