Saturday, September 29, 2012

Just the beginning...

I'm going to try and get back to it.  Blogging, that is.  I have another blog that is wholly devoted to all things politics, but I go through phases when it comes to that subject.  Sometimes I just don't give a shit about what is happening in the political world, and other times it is all I think about.  So, I feel it is best to start another blog that is a little more open to all subject matter.

I've got more than a few things about which I like to vent.  I have a lot of ideas, dreams, visions, points of view, and thoughts that everyone else ought to consider.  Seriously.  Everyone.  If people could see things the way that I see them, the world would be a much better place.  I wasn't as diligent with my other blog that I would like to have been.  I hope that with this one, I'll be more apt to write and share my grand vision with any and everyone.

So far this morning, the day has been quite pleasant...except for waking up at 5am with a headache.  I've been up for almost four hours, had at least one cup of coffee per hour of consciousness and lots of ibuprofen.  It's rainy, which means that I have a pretty good excuse to not do anything other than piddle around the house and play with Bailey.  

About the title of my blog...There is a book that has been making its way around for a while now called  Don't Sweat the Small Stuff:  And It's All Small Stuff.  Now, if you know me, I sweat the small stuff...always have, always will.  More than likely this will be the place where I vent my frustrations, but I hope to share the joyful small stuff as well.  And contrary to the title of the book, I believe wholeheartedly that there is big stuff out there, and some of that may end up here, too.

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